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Units, Quantities, and SI Equivalents Table

Tables showing the SI equivalents of metric units and some older units commonly used for mass, length, speed, area, volume, force, pressure, energy, and power

Units of Mass Table

UnitSI equivalentInverse
1 oz (ounce)equals 2.835 x 10-2 kg1 kg = 35.27 oz
1 lb (pound)equals 0.4536 kg1 kg = 2.205 lb
1 ton (= 2240 lb)equals 1016 kg1 kg = 0.9842 x 10-3 ton
1 short ton (=2000 lb)equals 907 kg1 kg = 1.102 x 10-3 short tons
1 t (tonne)equals 1000 kg1 kg = 10-3 t
1 u (unified mass unit)equals 1.660 x 10-27 kg1 kg = 6.024 x 1026 u
The Royal Society (1975) Quantities, Units and Symbols, London, The Royal Society

Units of Length Table

UnitSI equivalentInverse
1 mm (millimetre)equals 1 x 10-3 m1 m = 1000 mm
1 cm (centimetre)equals 1 x 10-21 m = 100 cm
1 m (metre)equals 1 m1 m = 1 m
1 km (kilometre)equals 1000 m1 m = 0.001 km
1 in (inch)equals 2.540 x 10-2 m1 m = 39.37 in
1 ft (foot)equals 0.3048 m1 m = 3.281 ft
1 yd (yard)equals 0.9144 m1 m = 1.094 yd
1 mi (mile)equals 1.609 x 103 m1 m = 6.214 x 10-4 mi
1 NM (nautical mile)equals 1852 m1 m = 5.399568 x 10-4 Nm
1 mil (Mil)equals 2.54 x 10-5 m1 m = 39370.078740157 mil

Units of Speed Table

UnitSI equivalentInverse
1 km h-1 (kph)equals 0.2778 m s-11 m s-1 = 3.600 kph
1 mi h-1 (mph)equals 0.4470 m s-11 m s-1 = 2.237 mph
The Royal Society (1975) Quantities, Units and Symbols, London, The Royal Society

Units of Area Table

UnitSI equivalentInverse
1 ft2equals 6.452 x 10 -4 m 2 1 m2 = 1550 in2
1 ft2equals 9.290 x 10-2 m21 m2 = 10.76 ft2
1 yd2equals 0.8361 m21 m2 = 1.196 yd2
1 acreequals 4047 m21 m2 = 2.471 x 10-4 acre
1 ha (hectare)equals 104 m21 m2 = 10-4 ha
1 mi2equals 2.590 x 106m21 m2 = 3.861 x 10-7 mi2
The Royal Society (1975) Quantities, Units and Symbols, London, The Royal Society

Units of Volume Table

UnitSI equivalentInverse
1 in3equals 1.639 x 10-5 m31 m3 = 6.102 x 104 in3
1 ft3equals 2.832 x 10-2 m31 m3 = 35.31 ft3
1 yd3equals 0.7646 m31 m3 = 1.308 yd3
1 litreequals 10-3 m31 m3 = 1000 litres
1 gallon (UK)equals 4.546 litres1 m3 = 220.0 gallons (UK)
1 gallon (US)equals 3.785 litres1 m3 = 264.2 gallons (US)
1 barrelequals 159 litres1 m3 = 6.3 barrels
1 bushelequals 3.637 x 10-2 m31 m3 = 27.50 bushels
The Royal Society (1975) Quantities, Units and Symbols, London, The Royal Society

Units of Force Table

UnitSI equivalentInverse
1 kgf (weight of 1 kg mass)equals 9.807 N1 N = 0.102 kgf
1 lbf (weight of 1 lb mass)equals 4.448 N1 N = 0.2248 lbf
The Royal Society (1975) Quantities, Units and Symbols, London, The Royal Society

Units of Pressure Table

UnitSI equivalentInverse
1 bar (≈1 atmosphere)equals 105 Pa (pascals)1 Pa = 10-5 bar
1 kgf m-2equals 9.807 Pa1 Pa = 0.102 kgf m-2
1 lbf in-2 (or psi)equals 6.895 Pa1 Pa = 1.450 x 10-4 psi
The Royal Society (1975) Quantities, Units and Symbols, London, The Royal Society

Units of Energy Table

UnitSI equivalentInverse
1 barrel of oil equivalent (boe)equals 5.7 GJ (lower heating value)1 GJ = 0.175 boe
1 cal (calorie)equals 4.2 J1 J = 0.24 cal
1 ft lb (foot pound)equals 1.356 J1 J = 0.7375 ft lb
1 eV (electron-volt)equals 1.602 x 10-19 J1 J = 6.242 x 1018 eV
1 MeVequals 1.602 x 10-13 J1 J = 6.242 x 1012 MeV
The Royal Society (1975) Quantities, Units and Symbols, London, The Royal Society

Units of Power Table

UnitSI equivalentInverse
1 HP (horse power)equals 745.7 W1 W = 1.341 x 10-3 HP
The Royal Society (1975) Quantities, Units and Symbols, London, The Royal Society